At that point, their own bid to buy the park from the Crown Estate jointly with the golf club was still 'on the table'. In my view, the best solution by far would have been to withdraw the bid and encourage transfer of ownership to Scottish ministers who could then (through HIstoric Scotland) secure the rights of existing stake-holders.
They did not manage to go so far, though they were encouraged to do so by SNP and Green members. They have, at least, suspended their bid for further thought.
The park, Gowane Hills and the steep braes around the castle, are of major historical importance and could be a huge asset for Stirling and for Scotland. Stirlling Council has neither the skills nor the resources to manage the landscapes to the standards necessary. The Golf Club is a private organisation and its long-term committment to the protection of the landscapes cannot be guaranteed.
The Kings Park Community Council has outlined a sensible and practical vision, the Right Future, for the park. Let's hope that, before too long, Stirling Council adopts this policy. After that, all that is required is for the Crown Estate Commissioners to agree that land which has belonged to the people of Scotland for centuries, should be formally handed over to the Scottish Government, at nil cost, so that its future can be secured.